I have yet to see a leadership development program in business that does this effectively. SHADRECK SAILI UCT Interesting discussion. It is certainly academic that leadership is taught. It is also true that financial success of leadership industry is not as a result of taught leadership. In my view what matters are experiences one or an institution goes through repeated trails failures and the individual zeal to overcome. Whether one is academically taught or not without the attributes of shrewdness die hard attitude very little success is achieved.
In this light it is a challenge to measure success arising from taught leadership. that financial success in leadership industry is more inclined a product of repeated failure Brazil Phone Number List repeated trails repeated disappointments and the drive to swallow the pain from such and yet find a way forward and move on. It is my considered view that there is always a turning point of the financial success of the leadership industry and certainly that is not taught leadership but either a series of disappointing experiences or a thrilling event that wakes up someone s mind and decide never again ADRIANO PIANESI LEADERSHIP ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR JHU Thanks for your piece Dr.Heskett. I will definitely check on the article you reference here.
As an instructor I do feel often that leadership industry is failing its students. And that more importantly leadership instructors often do not model the leadership thay are teaching. Interesting that this piece is not part of Kellerman s ideas . For me the quest has been ultimately a quest for integrity.